A citywide photography exhibition representing and recognising the LGBT+ community in the City of London and beyond.

For Pride 2021 we are planning to celebrate the LGBT+ community in the City of London in a unique, bold, visual way that will pave the way for a new more inclusive workplace for everyone. Using large photographic print collections outside and inside, we will create a unique visual event in and around The Square Mile.

We will have nighttime protections onto iconic buildings and bring everyone together for a spectacular, launch party, with fabulous entertainment and leaders and celebrities from the LGBT+ community. We will share the images and personal stories of the LGBT+ community and their allies from the city and across the UK. Celebrating them and the huge contribution they make and showing why diversity is the lifeblood of The City of London and beyond.

‘Mazars are delighted to support the development of the Corporate Queer project. People are at the heart of our business and we celebrate the diversity of our people and our clients. Our work with Fiona on #MotherWorks inspired our LGBT+ network to propose this project celebrating LGBT+ people in the corporate world. We look forward to working with everyone interested in bringing this project to life.’

Neil Mather - Partner at Mazars

sponsor the exhibition and celebrate your LGBT+ community with staff, clients and stakeholder.

What you will get by being involved

  • Extensive positive media attention around Pride

  • An opportunity to include your employees in the 
exhibition and book

  • Inclusion in press releases and other media, on the Corporate Queer web page and social channels

  • Invitations to the spectacular launch event for 
your employees, clients and stakeholders

  • Your logo displayed at the exhibition locations 
and launch event

  • Photographs from the launch event and exhibition 
for your own marketing use

  • Your company’s name or logo in the accompanying 
book and a brief quote